Aviation Training
Welcome to our website where you can explore our offerings for Aviation Training from the Flight Radiotelephony Operators Licence (FRTOL) and Radio Operators Certificate of Competence (ROCC) to Flight Training and PPL theory exams. Contact us today with any questions. We can’t wait to see you at Garton Aviation Training!
Flight Radiotelephony Operators Licence (FRTOL)
We offer various options to help you prepare for and undertake the Flight Radiotelephony Operators Licence (FRTOL).
Each course can be tailored to suit your individual needs depending on your knowledge entry level, your current flight training situation and whether you prefer one to one tuition or group learning.
Radio Operators Certificate of Competence (ROCC)
The ROCC required to operate an Air/Ground Communication Service at an airfield is a great way to further your interest in the world of aviation. From a pilots perspective it can be a little daunting to change 'sides' on the radio and for a non pilot it is a fascinating way to become involved. As always our flexible course options are tailored to the individual's, or group's starting knowledge and training needs.
Class Rating Instructor
Based in the Yorkshire / Humber / Lincolnshire area, we are able to undertake class rating instructor flights in your own aircraft, including tail wheel conversions, complex and differences training.
About Us
Stuart Garton has been flying across the UK, Europe and North America for nearly 20 years, building a wide range of experience flying aircraft types from super light microlights to seriously heavy Crop Dusters. This experience gives a great depth of knowledge to pass onto students as a CAA Flight Instructor, Ground Examiner, FRTOL Examiner and ROCC Examiner. Stuart can also regularly be found exercising the privileges of his ROCC on Breighton Airfield's Air Ground Communication Service.
"As the founder of Garton Aviation Training, it was my aim to establish a truly personal, friendly and enthusiastic learning environment to help candidates achieve their licence goals. Every course is professional and comprehensive whilst also making the learning simple and sometimes even fun!"
Stuart Garton